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Professional Work Permit - Expatriate DP10 Service

We are providing consultancy services for professional work permits – who are classified as Expatriate.

There are 3 categories available for professional or skilled foreigners to apply work permit in Malaysia.

Foreigners who are qualified to fulfill the following positions :

Key Post – Category 1

Top Managerial Post of a foreign-owned company operating in Malaysia.

Responsible for looking after the company’s interests and investments.

Responsible for determining the company’s policies and goals.

Executive Post -Category 2

Professional/Middle Managerial Post.

Required academic and working experience, practical skills related to the respective jobs.

Responsible for implementing the company’s policies and supervision toward the junior staff.

Non-Executive Post – Category 3

Highly skilled

Require working experience and technical skills related to the respective jobs.

Top Managerial Post

Executive / Professional Post

Experience and Technical Skill Post

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